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Adel Chamber Invites Members and Public to First Coffee & Conversation of 2019

Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce

The Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce will be hosting their first networking event of 2019 on Friday.

The monthly Coffee and Conversation/Drinks and Discussion event will be held from 7-8 p.m. at Adel Yoga and Wellness Studio and Knead Massage Therapy. The business is located at 1317 Greene Street in Adel, and the Chamber invites members and the public alike to take advantage of the free event. Attendees will be able to take part in networking opportunities, while also getting a chance to learn about what’s going on in the City and helping themselves to refreshments. The hosts will also get a chance to talk about their business and how they can help people improve their wellness in the new year.

Drinks and Discussion/Coffee and Conversation are held the first Thursday evening or Friday morning of the month.