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Keeping Pets Warm During Colder Months

With the temperatures dropping back into single digits tonight and with more colder temperatures on the way this winter, it’s a good time to remind ourselves to protect our furry friends from the bitter cold.

People for Animal Welfare Society (P.A.W.S.) of Greene County Board President Ann Wenthold says for outdoor pets, when it’s really cold outside, make sure you bring them inside a shed or into the basement if you don’t want them inside your home. Otherwise, she suggests to make an outdoor cat house with straw and for dogs make sure a dog house has insulation to provide warmth. Wenthold points out for outdoor pets to make sure they have a heated water dish as well.

As for indoor pets, when they need to go outside, Wenthold has these suggestions. “If you have small dogs, or cats, or shorthaired, or hairless dogs you can always put cute little sweaters and boots on them to take them outside that will keep their bodies and paws warm. And it will keep the pads of their paws safe from any ice melts that might be out there. Ice melts are not pet safe, it can hurt the paws of the animal.”

Wenthold adds to use common sense during the colder months, but in cases of emergencies, call your local veterinarian.