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Hotel Pattee Owner Tom Maxwell Purchases La Poste in Perry

La Poste Ladies and Tom Maxwell

Two iconic landmarks in downtown Perry are now linked, after Hotel Pattee Owner Tom Maxwell announced he had worked out an agreement to buy La Poste.

La Poste Co-Owner Jenny Eklund says people had approached her for years with offers to buy the renovated post office, but it wasn’t until Maxwell inquired about it that she realized it was a perfect fit. Maxwell says he’s had a strong working relationship with the Ladies of La Poste since he arrived in Perry a year ago, and felt there was undeniable synergy possible with linking the two. As of today at 10 a.m., that link is now official, and both sides are excited for the possibilities that now exist.

Maxwell emphasizes that there won’t be any drastic changes with La Poste. Eklund, Mary Rose Nichols, and Colleen Eckoff will operate the venue on a day-to-day basis, and things such as Handlebar Happy Hour will continue as normal. Maxwell adds, he feels his purchase of La Poste is in the best interest of the City. “When you look at the two venues in Perry, them coming together, I hope everybody views that as a strong positive for Perry. That’s our goal is to embrace the two and what they bring to Perry, and put them together and try to just strengthen it and bring more people to town. And just build on the history of the hotel and build on the history of La Poste.”

To learn more about the sale of La Poste, listen to tomorrow’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at