Board Appointments, Jail Needs Assessment Update on Guthrie County Supervisors’ Agenda

Guthrie County Courthouse

The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors will convene for their organizational meeting Wednesday.

The meeting will begin with several appointments, including the Board Chair and Vice Chair, and members of the 2019 Compensation Commission. Next the Board will consider approval of a resolution authorizing County Auditor Marci McClellan to pay fixed charges and other claims, a resolution to give County Engineer Josh Sebern the right of final acceptance, and a construction evaluation resolution for a master matrix for a large animal confinement operation. Finally, Sheriff Marty Arganbright and Michael S. Lewis of Shive Hattery Architecture & Engineering will give an updated presentation of the jail needs assessment.

The Board of Supervisors will meet at 9 a.m. at the Guthrie County Courthouse.